Edo Photos

Pinhole and Natural Life Photography

I am an American fine art and editorial photographer specializing in Pinhole Photography. I have lived in Japan since 1979, and it has obviously influenced my photography. My work is exhibited in Japan, the U.S.A., and Europe. (See Profile and Artist's Statement for more info.)

Fine art prints are available for sale to individuals, galleries, and museums. I also publish my work in a variety English and Japanese of magazines as photo essays on their own, and as illustrations for articles on various themes. I often do the writing that accompanies the photographs in these stories. If you are interested in buying or using my photos in some fashion please feel free to contact me directly. PLEASE DO NOT USE MY PHOTOGRAPHS WITHOUT MY EXPRESS PERMISSION.
Please contact me about usage.

作品は、お買い上げいただくことができますので、メールでコンタクトして下さい。なお、このサイトの写真は、私の明白な許可無しには絶対に使用しないよう、お願いいたします。 メールでの連絡


Edward Levinson was born in 1953 in Richmond, Virginia, USA. He came to live in Japan in 1979 and where he has been active as a fine art and editorial photographer since 1985. He is especially well known for his pinhole photography. He is also a published essayist and poet.

Writing publications include: Whisper of the Land (Fine Line Press 2014), a memoir/collection of essays based on his life in Japan which includes many photos; Balloon on Fire (Cyberwit.net 2019, haiku and photos); and two essay books in Japanese (Iwanami Shoten 2011, 2007).

Edward’s photo book Timescapes Japan received an Award at Prix de la Photography Paris 2007. Tokyo Story, his short pinhole movie, was an Official Selection at six film competitions, winning several awards; his short film Paris de Light has received five honors. Other photo books include: Moments in the Light, Mind Games, Silhouette Stories, Spots of Light – Tokyo (Solo Hill Books 2017, 2019).

Edward’s photographs have been regularly exhibited in Japan, the U.S.A., and Europe since 1994 and are in various museum and private collections. He has penned numerous articles and columns for English and Japanese magazines in Japan. He is a member of The Photographic Society of Japan and The Japan P.E.N. Club.

He lives in the countryside in Kamogawa, Chiba Prefecture where has a studio and gallery and stays inspired by nature and his garden.

Edward enjoys doing live presentations showcasing both the practical and spiritual sides of life as he experiences it.


https://www.edophoto.com https://whisperoftheland.com/
Contact Edward Levinson:

エドワード・レビンソン Edward Levinson


写真集『タイムスケープス・ジャパン』(日本カメラ社。アワード受賞 Prix de la Photographie Paris 2007)。『Moments in the Lightきらめきのなかに』、『Spots of Light - 東京』、『Mind Gamesマインド・ゲームズ』、『Silhouette Storiesシルエットストーリー』(ソローヒル・ブックス刊) 日本語著書エッセイ『Balloon on Fire燃える風船』(フォト・句集 Cyberwit.net 2019)『 エドさんのピンホール写真教室』『ぼくの植え方』(共に岩波書店刊) 英語著書エッセイ『Whisper of the Land (Fine Line Press 2014)その他多数の書籍・新聞・雑誌に写真と記事を寄稿。作品はさまざまな美術館や個人にコレクションされている。
ピンホール・カメラよる制作の短編映画「東京ストーリー(2014)」が6件の国際映画コンペに入選。短編映画「パリの光」は 5 つの賞を受賞しました。現在続編の数作品を制作中。千葉県鴨川市の自宅/スタジオに個人ギャラリーを併設。日本写真協会会員 日本ペンクラブ会 詳し経歴こちらへ
エドワード・レビンソン edo@edophoto.com

Site Technical info:
Site designed by Edward Levinson with customized support from the software makers (many thanks!):
Site built using Rapid Weaver and
NimbleHost's Original Qube Add-on Theme, now with customizing and big updating help from Will Woodgate at Themeflood
Gallery Pages built and powered by
Turning Gate's plugins for Lightroom
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